Bentley LumenRT for NVIDIA Omniverse Help

FFT Bloom

Physical Settings

FFT Bloom Enables FFT bloom effect
Scale Overall intensity of the bloom effect
Cutoff Point Controls a Cutoff Color that allows fine tuning the radiance range for which Bloom Calculations will have any effect. Values below the Cutoff Point will not contribute to Bloom calculations
Cutoff Fuzziness If greater than 0, defines the 'width' of a 'fuzzy cutoff' region around the cutoff values in each channel. Instead of a sharp cutoff at the cutoff point, a smooth transition between 0 and the full original values is used
Energy Constrained Constrains the total light energy generated by bloom
Physical Settings Enables a more physically accurate bloom effect using a more physical model
Blades The number of physical blades of a simulated camera diaphragm causing the bloom effect
Aperture Rotation Rotation of the camera diaphragm
Sensor Diagonal Diagonal of the simulated sensor
Sensor Aspect Ratio Aspect ratio of the simulated sensor, results in the bloom effect stretching in one direction
f-Number / f-Stop Increase/Decrease sharpness of the bloom effect
Focal Length (mm) Focal length of the lens modeled to simulate the bloom effect